Thursday, November 29, 2012


As it is known that there is a lot of speculation going regarding the changes going to take place in the civil service mains examination 2013 or 2014. A committee headed by professor Arun.S.Nigarvekar is appointed to review the current structure of the mains examination and to suggest any necessary changes in the pattern. The submission of the committee has increased the anxiety in civil services preparing community. Therefore it is evident that there will be a change of pattern in the mains exam scheme but not aware of when it is going to take place.

But for everyone's advantage administrative reforms commission has strongly suggested that time should be given to the candidates before implementing any new changes. As lot of candidates started preparing from a long time for the current scheme of exam, it is clear that at least one year time period will be given for the preparation of the new pattern.

When coming to the expected changes there are six theories - 

  1. Increase in general studies syllabus an inclusion of Indian polity and governance in it. Public administration will also be a part of general studies and this will be general studies paper - 3 and public administration will be removed from the list of optionals. Along with the three general studies papers one more optional can be chosen from the list of optionals.
  2. Indian polity and governance will be introduced as a new mandatory paper and another optional can be chosen.
  3. Languages will be removed from the optionals,one optional will be chosen from social sciences and the other one should be from the candidates educational background.
  4. Mains exam with five mandatory papers. General essay paper will be removed and merged with English and Indian language and some percentage of these two papers will be added to the final. Importance is given to English and the abilities of the candidate to express and communicate the views will be tested. Other papers will be sustainable development and social justice(300 marks), science and technology(300 marks), democratic governance, public systems and human rights(300 marks), English(100 marks), Indian language(300 marks) for a total of 1100 marks.
  5. General studies will be removed from mains and there will be three mandatory papers. Importance will be given to human rights, socio-economic development, administration and environmental laws, public systems management and economics will be given importance. Each paper will bare 500 marks. Issues relating society and its structure, administration, polity, modern advances in science and technology will be given importance in these papers.
  6. There will be a total change in the mains scheme and there will be 8 papers in English, Indian language, Indian social system, Indian political system, Indian legal system, Indian economic system, Indian administrative system, organizational behavior. Each paper will be of 300 marks. Minimum 40% marks are needed to qualify in English.
Based on all these information there is a strong chance fro the change of pattern but with enough time to get used to(may be a year!). So it is suggested to all the candidates not to concentrate on the idea of the pattern change and waste your valuable time. Continue your preparation as it is and wait for the notification to come and it is strongly recommended for all the candidates that they should make themselves prepared for any kind of changes and start preparing for any one optional subject. In case the UPSC decided to change the scheme so as to keep one optional paper, you will be in a great profit(in terms of time). Choose the optionals cleverly from the set of subjects which will definitely help you in your future regardless of the changes like Public administration and sociology, Geography, Political science etc.,

It should be kept in mind that avoiding the unofficial information and not taking decisions based on that is also one of the traits of the best civil servant.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Beginners IAS


Hi guys, you are here to know something about IAS  or else u would not be here, will you? IAS (Indian administrative service) is one of the key positions in central government and also one of the all India services. Recruitment of these posts will be done by UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) through civil service examinations. The notification of the civil service examination will appear every year in the month of December. This exam consists of three stages 1. Preliminary examination 2. Main examination 3. Interview. Candidates who are qualified the preliminary exam conducted in may month of the year can only appear that years mains which will normally be conducted in October month of the year. (Due to some reasons mains were delayed in the year 2012 and conducted in November). candidates who qualify the mains examination are eligible for the personal interview and then the final list of candidates selected for various services will be released by UPSC. These services vary from all Indian services like

  1. Indian administrative service,
  2. Indian foreign service,
  3. Indian police service,
Group A services like
  1. Indian P&T accounts & finance services
  2. Indian audit and accounts service,
  3. Indian revenue service(customs and central excise),
  4. Indian defense accounts  service,
  5.  Indian revenue service(I.T),
  6. Indian ordnance factories service,
  7. Indian postal service,
  8. Indian civil accounts service,
  9. Indian railway traffic service,
  10. Indian railway accounts service,
  11. Indian railway personnel service,
  12. Assistant security commissioner in railway protection force
  13. Indian defense estates service,
  14. Indian information service(Jr.grade),
  15. Indian trade service,
  16. Indian corporate law service,
and there are few group B services which include Armed forces headquarters civil service and civil & police services of union territories.

There are some more facts which everyone is well aware of, most of these services need the candidate to be an Indian citizen, age must be in between 21-30 in the case of general category and 5 and 3 years of age relaxation is available for SC/ST and OBC candidates respectively. Maximum attempts for general candidate are four.


Preliminary exam

The preliminary exam consists of two parts
  1. Paper - i (maximum marks-200)

  • Current events of national and international importance
  • History of India and Indian National Movement
  • Indian and World Geography - Physical, Social, Economic geography of India and the World.
  • Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  • Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
  • General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change - that do not require subject specialization
  • General Science.

     2.  Paper - ii (maximum marks-200)

  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills;
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Decision making and problem solving
  • General mental ability
  • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc.) (Class X level)
  • Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. -Class X level)
  • English Language Comprehension skills (Class X level).

Mains exam

Mains examination contains 9 papers in total
  1. Paper 1 - Candidate has to choose any language from the 8th schedule of the constitution for this paper, this paper is of qualifying in nature and for the total marks of 300.
  2. Paper 2 - This is also a qualifying paper in English language for 300 marks.
  3. Paper 3 - Essay paper in the medium of choice for 200 marks.
  4. Paper 4 & 5 - general studies papers of 300 marks each for the total of 600 marks.
  5. papers 6,7 & 8,9 - Two optional papers from the subjects of choice for 300 marks each for the total of 1200 marks.


In the interview test the committee tries to find the Clarity of subject, ability to express the thoughts, awareness of a wide range of topics, their response to the social, economic issues and the ability to interact with the society and to find the solutions to the problems.

Don't get shocked with this syllabus guys. Even i was shocked when i first saw this but there is always a way. I have planned to come up with an idea to find a solution to this. (see my next post for the preparation methods.... )